Daily Archives: 23/02/2015

Press Release – Buckfastleigh Swimming Pool

  Buckfastleigh Town Council would like to thank and congratulate the members of the Friends of Buckfastleigh Swimming Pool for all their hard work with regards to the contents of the following press release:- Buckfastleigh Open Air Pool awarded £75,000 of funding from Sport England Date: 20/02/15 Buckfastleigh Open Air Pool is the latest organisation […]

Friends of Ashburton Railway Station

Could a railway return to Ashburton? Public meeting to be held at St. Lawrence Chapel, Ashburton on Saturday 28th February at 6.30pm. A presentation will be made by the Friends of Ashburton Station to explain the potential benefits of preserving the opportunity to incorporate a railway within the Chuley Road Masterplan. www.friendsofashburtonstation.co.uk

Stagecoach Customer Service Champions

20th February 2015 Media information: for immediate release STAGECOACH CALLS ON BUS PASSENGERS TO NOMINATE THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE CHAMPIONS • Customer Service category part of Stagecoach Group Champions Awards • Cash prizes for passengers who enter winning staff member • Awards also recognize success in safety, environment, health, innovation and community • Customer nominations can […]