Join the Town Council!


There are vacancies for new Town Councillors...  Find out  how to apply here.


Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Payments

Only people receiving Pension Credit will be paid Winter Fuel Payments this year.  Citizens Advice can help you find out if you are eligible.  More info here.

Problems with roads, potholes, overgrown vegetation etc.

A reminder that any problems with highways should be reported online to DCC.  Read more here.


Ways to Report a Crime

Find out here the different ways to report crimes to Devon and Cornwall Police.

Citizens Advice Outreach Service

Due to the demand for the Citizens Advice Outreach Service which runs in partnership with the Foodbank at St. Luke's Church, the Friday morning video booth at the Town Hall is not being used and is therefore cancelled with immediate effect.

Buckfastleigh Town Council will however continue to fund this valuable service and the door is always open should Teignbridge Citizens Advice wish to return to the Town Hall at a later date.

A representative of Citizens Advice is available at the Foodbank every Friday from 10.00 am until noon.  To make an appointment, please telephone 01364 644485 or email: info@

Advice is also available on freephone:  0808 278 7997

The Town Council & the Town Hall

The Town Council office can still be reached by leaving a message on the office answerphone - 01364 642576 - or phoning the Town Clerk on 07904 033616.  

UK Shared Prosperity Fund Update

See related image detail. About the Rural England Prosperity Fund - Durham County CouncilDear Residents,
You may have noticed some new street furniture starting to appear around the town and the refurbishment of the Visitor Centre at The Valiant Soldier. As previously posted the Town Council successfully bid for some Government funding through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund in 2024 but this was subject to very strict criteria. It cannot be used for day to day maintenance such as grass cutting and street cleaning neither of which come within the remit of the Town Council. 
Currently this is work in progress as we are dependent upon the volunteers who run the Valiant Soldier and Gary our Town Ranger who only works 2 days a week to complete the project.
The rationale behind this project is firstly to encourage more visitors to benefit the economy of the town and secondly to make the town look more cared for and welcoming in response to some of the comments we have received. As a relatively small Town Council we simply do not have the funds, resources or staff to do this without more investment. The UKSPF is not a significant amount of money so it was not an easy process to decide what we could do within the limits of the criteria.
The junction at Plymouth and Strode Road which as the main entrance to the town for the one-way system, has for many years looked boring and unkempt. The land belongs to Teignbridge District Council and consists of compacted poor quality soil, grass, weeds, concrete and tarmac. It is not really large enough to support a significant number of bees, butterflies and insects but nevertheless we are in consultation with the Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group to keep the area as natural as possible and in keeping with the Council's Biodiversity policy. It will not be developed as a formal area for planting and we do not have a grounds maintenance team to undertake regular planting, weeding and watering.
The ram was chosen because he is more decorative than an ewe and Buckfastleigh was and still is an ancient wool town as reflected by its cottages, waterways, opes and businesses. The ram will also be in keeping with the new boundary signs that will be installed next week. Whilst we acknowledge that our name is associated with a buck this has been understandably adopted by the Abbey who have their own stag sculptures on display in their grounds. 
In accordance with our new lease with the District Council for this area of land we will also plant 3 small blossom trees in the spring and over time it is hoped that there will be a mixture of bulbs and wildflowers to make the area look more attractive.
The Town Council welcomes and encourages our residents and visitors to provide feedback both positive and negative but it would be lovely if you do have a question or suggestion you send it to us directly or come along to one of our friendly meetings to find out more. We still have 4 vacancies so if you would like to become involved in the decision making process why not join us?

Defibrillator Locations

Make sure you know where all the town defibrillators are located.  Have a look here

Wildspace Garden Autumn/Winter Opening Times

October/November/December:  Monday 9am - 4pm; Tuesday-Friday 9am - 1pm  Closed from 21st December

Weekends closed.  January/February closed for annual maintenance