Daily Archives: 24/07/2018

Antiques Roadshow Volunteer Stewards Needed

On Thursday, 13th September, the BBC will be filming its Antiques Roadshow at Buckfast Abbey.   45 to 50 volunteers are needed.  They must be 18 or over with no known medical reasons why they cannot safely undertake the day’s duties and must be available to attend a briefing session at 3.30 pm on Wednesday 12th […]

Old Phone Boxes – Creative Ideas Please!

What to do with an unused phone box?  Buckfastleigh and Buckfast now have at their disposal four decommissioned phone boxes (two red, two glass) which are located at Glebelands, West End Road, in the car park next to Buckfast Village Hall and at Grange Green, Buckfast.  The one on Grange Green is going to house […]