Monthly Archives: November 2019

New members sought for Devon Countryside Access Forum

The Devon Countryside Access Forum is a statutory local access forum under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000.  It has seventeen members who advise on the “improvement of public access to land for the purposes of open-air recreation and the enjoyment of the area.”  The Forum gives independent advice to a number of […]

SOUP Fundraising Event

So far, two SOUP fundraising events have taken place in Buckfastleigh in October 2018 and June 2019.  Both were very well attended and successful, enabling residents to hear about and vote on projects proposed by local organisations.  The successful groups received funds to make their projects happen. On January 24th, a third SOUP will take […]

‘Where Next Buckfastleigh (and Buckfast!)?’

On Wednesday, 30th October, Buckfastleigh Town Council held its’ annual Community engagement workshop for the fifth year. Despite foul weather, the lure of home-baked cakes and a chance to talk to the Council and neighbours about their concerns and ideas for the town, brought residents to the Town Hall for the workshop, where Andy Stokes, […]