Monthly Archives: November 2021

Hardship Grants available this winter

Household Support Fund Devon Council have grants to help households with household expenses such as food, clothing, cleaning, bills, bedding, fidges, freezers, cookers and other bills and transport costs, in cases of emergency… Who can apply for funding – you must be over 16 years of age – live in Teignbridge as your main residence […]

Update – Grant expenditure 2020-21

Here’s a visual breakdown of the Town Council’s spending on community grants for the financial year 2020-21. It’s divided into Large & Perennial Grants (over £500) and Small Grants (up to £500)… This is broken down into Larger (over £500) and Perennial Grants (those that have been agreed for up to 4 years)… …and Smaller […]

Grants - smaller - chart 20-21