3rd Buckfastleigh SOUP & Heart of Buckfastleigh Awards

Our third SOUP fundraising event was a big community success.  70 people showed up to listen to pitches, eat soup and vote on who should get the funds on offer.

The evening started with the Heart of Buckfastleigh Awards which were made to Adam Castle & Harry Bates for their courage whilst engaging in river rescue and first aid at Spitchwick; Jake Huntley for his courage whilst entering the blown up building in Barn Park immediately after the explosion to rescue the occupant; The Buckfastleigh Fire and Rescue team for not only their continual courage and commitment in their line of duty but commitment over-and-above that to the safety of the community; Janet Jones for long-term service to the community in innumerable ways; and Linus McCloskey for his work setting up and running the Buckfastleigh CAB service which has brought many tens of thousand of pounds to those in the community that need it most….

Five groups pitched for a share of the donations collected on the night plus £500 from the Council Mayor’s fund and £700 donated by a mystery benefactor (a total of £1,356)!  After all had made their case, everyone went off to eat home-made soup, local bread and more, whilst working out who would get their votes. 68 people of all ages cast two votes each and when the votes were counted, the cash was distributed according to the results:
Orchard Millennium Green, VE/VJ day celebrations- £113
Summer Wildlife Festival – £220
Farm Able charity for PTSD sufferers – £250
Buckfastleigh Home Education Group – £333
Buckfastleigh Scouts group – £440

…and a great night was had by all!

Thanks to everyone who took part, especially all those who helped get this off the ground and on the night.
And thanks again to all those who have done so much in the last year to help our community.