Summary Agenda for Town Council Meeting on 16 September 2020

                        BUCKFASTLEIGH TOWN COUNCIL MEETING (online)

                               Wednesday,16th September 2020 at 7pm

                                         KEY ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION

  1. Update by TRAYE on the Buckfastleigh Youth Well-Being Café
  2. Grant Applications – Smaller and Larger
  3. Buckfastleigh Response – update
  4. Co-option of New Town Councillor
  5. Community Training Programme
  6. Response to the new planning consultation – Planning for the future – proposals for reform of the planning system in England
  7. Proposal to call a motion regarding Flood Management in the parish of Buckfastleigh
  8. Maintenance of the Stockabrook Leat, Plymouth Road, Buckfastleigh

If you would like to join the meeting online, please contact the Clerk at: by 5.30pm on Wednesday 16th September for the login details required.