Buckfastleigh Emergency Plan Update

Our Emergency Plan exists to help the town respond effectively in the event of any kind of emergency such as flooding, heavy snow, fire or major accidents.  The professional emergency responders are of course the first people to call in such situations, but they may well be stretched to the limit and therefore it is very important that we in the town are able and ready to do what we can to help ourselves.

The Buckfastleigh Emergency Plan has recently been reviewed and updated.  On 24th September, a core group of volunteers who have already received training will test out the new plan to make sure everything runs smoothly. 

The group is currently looking for members of the public who have skills or equipment that could be useful in an emergency and who could make themselves available if needed.  Examples of what we’re looking for are people with first aid training or chain saw licences, tree surgeons, people who own 4x4s, trailers, tractors, winches etc.  If you have anything you can offer, please contact Judith Hart, the Town Clerk:  clerk@buckfastleigh.gov.uk or 01364-642576.  This will not require attending any meetings, it will just mean that you can be contacted if you’re needed in an emergency situation.

The Emergency Plan Test Run takes place at 7 pm on Monday 24th September at the Town Hall.  If you’re interested in attending or finding out more, contact the Town Clerk at the email shown above.

We would like to give special thanks to our volunteers David Patrick and Simon Holman who are the new coordinator and deputy coordinator of the group.