Buckfastleigh Repair Cafe

Repair Cafes are springing up all over the country.  They are run by volunteers and are a way of reducing waste (by fixing things instead of throwing them away) and enabling people to learn new skills from others.  They also provide an opportunity to socialise as you get to eat cake and enjoy a hot drink while waiting for your repair to be completed.  A Repair Cafe is happening monthly in Ashburton on Saturday mornings and each month up to 50 items are brought in for repair.  Of course not all can be fixed, but the volunteer repairers do their very best.  Sometimes an item has to come back the following month once the owner has bought a new part for it, and sometimes a repairer will take an item home as it takes longer to fix than can be done on that morning.  You can read more about Repair Cafes nationally here.

If you enjoy mending things or know someone who does, please get in touch.  It won’t happen unless we have a range of repairers willing to show up for a few hours each month (and of course you’re allowed to miss a month – which is why we need quite a few on our list to have a viable operation.)