Buckfastleigh Snow Warden Service

Buckfastleigh Town Council Snow Warden Scheme

‘We are looking for a new volunteer to take on the position of Snow Warden for Buckfastleigh and Buckfast. You could already be one of our volunteers who is interested in co-ordinating the team in the event of severe weather or a new member who would like to become involved in this essential community service. Training is provided by Devon County Council and equipment is supplied by the Town Council. Please note however, that the Town Council does not clear snow and ice from highways, pavements, paths and individual properties, but will endeavour to assist where we can to enable people to reach essential services and this is only achievable with the kind help of volunteers.

For further information please contact the Town Clerk, Judith Hart at the Town Hall – T: 01364 642576 or E: clerk@buckfastleigh.gov.uk

Could all existing volunteers contact Judith to confirm that they wish to continue and update their contact details and finally the Town Council would like to thank Jan Young who has now retired from the position of Snow Warden and who originally organised the scheme’