Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 16th December 2020 – Key Messages

1.   Precept – The Town Council approved an increase of just over 4% to the 2021/22 precept which will equate to 11p per week for a Band B property. This was agreed in order to protect the current level of services, continue to help our residents who are suffering from the economic and social impact of Covid-19 and prevent the impact of losing over £6,000 from the budget.

2.   Christmas Meals –  The Town Council has organised free Christmas meals and treat bags which will be delivered on Christmas Eve to those who have asked. Also, gifts for children of families who are finding it difficult to manage financially this Christmas and treat bags and children’s activity packs for the Food Bank. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers who have supported us in bringing a little Christmas cheer to those who are struggling in our community.

3.   Flood Management – We are pleased to report that Devon Highways and the Environment Agency have agreed some flood management improvements to alleviate areas identified at being at risk in the town. In partnership with Devon County Council we will also be funding the replacement of the flood camera and associated equipment which monitors the level of water in the river Mardle.

4.   Christmas Greetings – The Town Council wishes all our residents and businesses a safe and peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council