Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 16th September 2020 – Key Messages

  1. New Chair – Councillor Andy Stokes is stepping down as Chair and was thanked for all his hard work. The new Chair, Councillor Susan Clarke, was welcomed.
  2. Youth Well-Being Cafe – Kerry McCabe gave a report on this 6 month pilot project for 11 to 18 year olds. 48 young people have been engaged through Zoom sessions, lockdown packs and a Facebook page.  26 of them do not attend any other organised youth activities and have issues with shyness, anxiety and low moods.  There will be an evaluation at the end of the pilot project in December.
  3. Grant Awards –4 grants were awarded:  £500 to Pengelly Caves for a staircase to complete the route around the site; £480 to Participate Arts for winter wellbeing craft packs for adults; £770 to Dartmoor Skies for a craft pack and astronomy guide; and £5,000 to Be Buckfastleigh for a range of community activities.
  4. Future Town Council meetings – will take place via Zoom but the possibility of live streaming the meetings, perhaps on Facebook, is being investigated.
  5. “Planning for the Future” Consultation – Councillors Stokes and Clarke will draft and circulate a response to these important government proposals to reform the planning system.
  6. Flood Management – a motion regarding flood management was approved and will be publicised and sent to the Mid-Devon Advertiser

Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.