Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 17 November 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Locally Grown Food Distribution Initiative – The Council welcomed Jeremy Irwin to the meeting to discuss the coordination and distribution of surplus fresh produce within the community and how this can help meet the needs of the Food Bank and those who are struggling to buy food.

2.  Grants – we were pleased to award £500 to each of the following organisations: Be Buckfastleigh for early years development, the Bungalow Youth Project to fund laptops for 2 trainee youth worker apprentices and the Valiant Soldier towards the restoration and renovation of the rear garden. 

3.   Review of Buckfastleigh Emergency Plan – we would be interested to hear from residents who have specific skills to volunteer in the event of an emergency such as flooding, snow or a significant fire. Please contact Judith, the Town Clerk for further information.

4.   Town Clock – The new Town Clock will be installed within the next few months. We would like to convey our thanks to Searles and those who contributed to fundraising. The remainder of the cost will be met by the Town Council.

5.  Christmas Community Cinema – The Council is funding a matinee film and an evening film on Saturday 11th December in the Town Hall which will include social distancing measures – see publicity for further information and how to book tickets.

Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting