Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 17th March 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Verge Management – We are pleased to support the verge management initiative where we will be working with the new ‘Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group’ and the Road Warden to manage some of our verges around the parish. This project will protect and enhance the wide variety of wildlife and wildflowers.

2.   New Tree at Holy Trinity – Permission has been granted to plant a small leafed lime tree (that has been kindly donated to the Town) to replace the dead sycamore that was removed from the turning circle at Holy Trinity Church as part of our commitment to reducing carbon emissions. Cllr Cox will be overseeing this.

3.   Town Clock – Progress has been made by Cllr Bailey regarding the proposal for a replacement Town Clock as the old one was, sadly, beyond repair. It was however agreed that alternative funding options will be investigated by Cllr Tilsley to pay for the purchase and installation.

4.   Vaccine Programme – The Town Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the amazing NHS staff and volunteers who have contributed towards the ongoing vaccine programme at St Boniface House. Over 20,000 vaccinations have taken place so far at the centre which is a mammoth undertaking!


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.