Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 21st September 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Smaller Grants – Grants were awarded to local organisations as follows:

Buckfastleigh Residents Association – £500 for renovation of play park

Sharing Buckfastleigh – £250 for car transport provided by volunteer drivers

Friendship Group – £250 for outings for the socially isolated

2.   Emergency Plan Review – The Emergency Plan is being reviewed and new volunteers will be needed.  Anyone interested in helping in the event of an emergency (flooding etc.) should email clerk@buckfastleigh.gov.uk.

3.   DNPA Byelaws – Dartmoor National Park is running a consultation on changes to its byelaws.  Residents are encouraged to give their feedback to these proposed changes here

4.   Strode Road Housing Development – A new application has been submitted for housing to the south of Strode Road.  This includes 6 affordable self-build units.  Residents are encouraged to find out more and comment on this application here

Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting