Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 23rd June 2021 – Key Messages




         23rd June 2021 – KEY MESSAGES


1.    Grants Awarded – We were pleased to award the following grants to local groups and organisations:

  *   The Orchard Millennium Green – £500 towards the refurbishment of the Tea Hut

  *   Participate Arts – £500 to continue with the Wellbeing workshops

  *   Scoriton & Buckfastleigh Twinning Association – £500 towards the restoration of a redundant telephone box gifted to Fontaine-Henry, France

  *   Woolly Nana’s & Friends – £350 for a new wool workshop project

  *   The Nurture Project – £480 funding for the weekly support group for pregnancy, mums and new born babies.

2.     Town Council community participatory budget event – Our next event will be held in the autumn when we look at our community needs and spending options. 

3.    Dartmoor National Park Local Plan Review consultation– We will be responding to proposed modifications to the plan which includes the identification of new housing sites in Buckfastleigh. We encourage our residents to comment too using this online form.  Deadline is 19th July.

4.    Teignbridge Local Plan (Part 2) – Although our parish lies mostly within the National Park, we again encourage our community to respond to the planning decisions that will affect us using this online form.  Part 2 of the Local Plan concerns which sites are allocated for housing.

5.    Government White Paper on Health and Social Care 2021 – We will be preparing a response to the proposed future management of the NHS and social care.

6.    Creative Community Consultation Proposal for Buckfastleigh – Be Buckfastleigh, in partnership with other organisations, will be developing a new approach to identify and deliver future services for the town.

7.    Big Bike Revival – We are pleased to support the Big Bike Revival which will be running a series of events and activities during the summer.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting