Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 27 October 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Buckfastleigh Primary School Wellbeing Project – The Council is  financially supporting this project which will improve outdoor spaces at the school and work with the children to develop a greater understanding of nature and the seasons.

2.   Hotdesking at the Town Hall – The Council is working with the Town Hall to investigate the viability of providing a hotdesking service there.

3.   West End Phone Box – Residents of the town are encouraged to let us know any ideas they have for new uses for this disused phone box.

4.   Town Clock – The Council agreed to make up the remaining funds required to install a new weatherproof town clock on the Searle’s building.  Thanks to those individuals and organisations that have contributed to the fundraising appeal.

5.  DNPA Byelaw Changes – The Council is lending its support to a letter written by the Dartmoor Access Group in response to these proposed changes.  The letter can be viewed here


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting