Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 3rd February 2021 – Key Messages

1.   New Deputy Mayor – Congratulations to Cllr Erin Kohler-Ockmore on her appointment as Deputy Mayor and Deputy Chair to the Town Council, following the recent resignation of Pam Barrett

2.   Vote of Thanks for Pam Barrett – Pam served as the Chair and Deputy Mayor of the Town Council for almost six years, during which time she has made a significant impact on the town, securing a huge amount of funding to support existing services and introduce new initiatives for the benefit of the community. The Council and the town owe Pam a huge debt of gratitude and we wish her continued success with the Be Buckfastleigh project.

3.   Grants Awarded – We were pleased to award grant funding to the following organisations: Buckfastleigh Primary School, Participate Arts, Buckfastleigh Scouts Group, Nurture, the Wildspace Garden and the Chamber of Trade.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.