
Land at Holne Road, Buckfastleigh – Development Brief Consultation

Burrington Estates are asking residents to comment on their Development Brief for the residential development site at Holne Road, Buckfastleigh. Holne Road is an allocated residential development site (Proposal BCK2) in the Dartmoor National Park Authority Local Plan. A Development Brief is a blueprint for how the site should come forward – it is not […]

Budget for 2018/19

At the Town Council meeting on Wednesday 13th December, The Council finalised it’s budget for the coming financial year. Here is how we got there. Ongoing Services In recognition of the invaluable work done by volunteers in the parish, we will continue to provide our programme of grants including the Community Development Fund. We will […]

Town Council Dissolve Planning Committee

Yesterday (Wed 13th Dec 2017), at the Buckfastleigh Full Town Council meeting, The Council decided to dissolve it’s Planning Committee. The Planning, Environment & Transport Committee, which evolved from the Planning Committee that was in place until 2015, has up till now examined and responded on every local planning application made to the Dartmoor National […]

Town Council Meeting on 8 November 2017 – Key Messages

1. Grant Awards – the Town Council took great pleasure in awarding grants of £250 to support Scoriton & Buckfastleigh Twinning Association, Time at the Bar (a new social group initiative for the over 65s at the Valiant Soldier), The Friendship Group, the Pantomime Group, Buckfastleigh Christmas Fair and The Seed Community Christmas Meal & […]

Town Council Meeting on 11th October 2017 – Key Messages

Cycle South Dartmoor Update – thanked the Town Council for their contribution of £500 towards the cost of the SUSTRANS feasibility study for a proposed new cycle route connecting communities adjacent to the A38 from Plymouth to Ashburton. The SUSTRANS report will be available soon and presented to Devon Highways. Whitecleave Quarry – Further errors […]