
Are you having problems with parking in Buckfastleigh?

Buckfastleigh Town Council is aware that the parking situation in the town is becoming increasingly more difficult and we would welcome suggestions as to how this could possibly be alleviated. The Council would like to consult with the community on this matter and facilitate a working party where interested residents can come together and exchange […]

Election for Town Councillor

Due to the resignation of Councillor and ex-mayor Katie Coates, there is now a vacancy on the town council. Members of the public have called for an election for the single vacant seat and there are three candidates who have put themselves forward, so  an election will be held on Thursday 17th December. The candidate […]

Election of a Town Councillor

Statement of Persons Nominated for election as a Town Councillor to be held in the Town Hall on Thursday 17th December 2015 – please note that no polling cards will delivered to households. Please click on the link below:- Election of a Town Councillor

Free Police Etching Service

James will be at the Buckfastleigh Town Hall on Saturday 21st November between 10am-12 with an etching machine. This machine can be used to etch in details such as a postcode to equipment like strimmers and lawn mowers, it can also etch onto plastic or metal. Please pop down to the Town Hall and take […]

Town Council Vacancy 12th Oct 2015

NOTICE OF CASUAL VACANCY For the Parish of Buckfastleigh NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that a vacancy exists in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Buckfastleigh, and that unless ten or more electors of the electoral area have, on or before the 30 October 2015, […]