Coronavirus COVID-19

15th March 2020

Cases of COVID-19 (otherwise known as Novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2) have been reported in South Devon. 

There is up-to-date information about the virus and what you can do about it here.

The Town Council is monitoring the situation and is in dialogue with other local councils and looking at what we might be able to do to support our community and public services.

For the majority of us the danger of any serious effects from this illness is low, but we do need to be responsible and careful not to spread the disease, particularly to protect those who are older and infirm in our community, for whom it can be serious, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions such as as heart problems, diabetes and respiratory problems.

So please follow the NHS preventative advice. Let’s stay well and look out for our neighbours!

Cllr. Andy Stokes – Chair Buckfastleigh Council

More useful information:
Information about COVID-19 Coronavirus

Useful information about number of cases and UK spread of infection and advice for travellers from affected parts of the world

How to reduce the spread of COVID-19

Information about self-isolating

Please note that in addition the government are as of 13/3/20 asking people to self-isolate for 7 days if they have a high temperature or a new, persistent cough – information about how to self-isolate here

Financial support for people who are self-isolating – info here