Dartmoor Local Plan Consultation Drop-in Events

Dartmoor National Park Authority have started a review of the local plan. The local plan is an important document which guides development in the National Park and will influence Dartmoor’s future.

DNPA are currently consulting on an Issues Paper which sets out the likely scope and main issues which will need to be addressed by the new local plan. As part of this consultation the views of local residents are being sought.

If you want to know more about the local plan, what is in it, how it may affect you or wold like to give us your views, please come to your local drop-in event at Buckfastleigh Town Hall on Tuesday 22nd November from 4.00 to 8.00pm

For further information visit: www.dartmoor.gov.uk/local plan

forwardplanning@dartmoor.gov.uk/01626 832093