Dartmoor Parking Charges Survey

Dartmoor National Park is asking regular visitors for their views on a proposal to introduce an annual parking pass available for residents and visitors to Dartmoor, for the car parks at Haytor, Postbridge and Meldon Reservoir where parking charges apply.  They would like to establish whether visitors would support the introduction of an annual pass. The suggested cost of the pass is £35 per year and income raised will be used to support the Authority’s conservation work, erosion repairs and access projects.   The pass would not include Newbridge or Dartmeet car parks as they are in private ownership and not part of this scheme.

The short survey is available to complete via the Authority’s website at https://www.dartmoor.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/current-consultations.  The deadline for completion of the survey is 25 October 2019.