Dog Fouling

Dog fouling is a persistent problem which affects our streets, footpaths, parks, play areas, cemeteries and beaches. The Town Council has received numerous complaints regarding this matter which now seems to be on the increase.

Careless dog owners who fail to clean up after their dogs and use public spaces as a convenient latrine are failing to realise that they are contributing towards a potential health hazard and are causing a nuisance.

Dog faeces not only smells and looks terrible, it can seriously damage your health and is viewed to be of even more risk to children. It can contain a parasitic worm which causes an illness called toxocariasis which can lead to blindness.

It is illegal to allow your dog to foul any public place and you do not clear it up. The District Council’s Dog Warden will investigate complaints of dog fouling, patrol problem areas and prosecute offenders. If you are caught you will be issued with a fixed penalty of £50.00. Failure to pay could result in court action and an increased fine.

There are numerous dog waste bins situated around the parish and you may use your own black landfill bin at home for this purpose. Please do not discard bags of waste into hedgerows, waste land or private property. Keep Devon and your local community green and clean.

For further information please contact the Dog Warden at Teignbridge District Council – 01626 215881/215859 or email