During half-term (25 May to 2 June), swim times are 2-6 pm in the afternoons every day. During term times (3 June to 26 July), weekday afternoon swims start at 3.30 pm.
The week-long #LidoRoadTrip to celebrate the forthcoming publication of The Lido Guide takes Emma to Buckfastleigh on Sunday 26th May. She'll be there from 9am to 10.30am. Come along for a swim, see the book (which will be available to buy ahead of the publication date of 13th June) and talk all things lido.
Aquafit will run every Monday through the summer. You can buy a book of 12 tickets for £50 - 12 for the price of 10. Further info: phone 01364 642222 or email bfl.pool@yahoo.co.uk
An opportunity to discuss with the Town Council ways to improve business in the town. Representatives of DCC Highways Department and TDC Car Parking Department have been invited.
Aqua Circuits will run every Wednesday through the summer. You can buy a book of 12 tickets for £50 – 12 for the price of 10. Further info: phone 01364 642222 or email bfl.pool@yahoo.co.uk
Boot Camp will run every Saturday through the summer. You can buy a book of 12 tickets for £50 – 12 for the price of 10. Further info: phone 01364 642222 or email bfl.pool@yahoo.co.uk
Walking for Health offers free easy guided walks in a variety of locations. All walks start from Woodholme car park. Meet there at 9.45 am for a 10 am start and car share. Today’s walk goes to Yar Tor on Dartmoor for a walk above the Dart valley. Contact Val Hoare: 01803 866133 / 07792 […]
Beavers 5:45 - 6:45pm Cubs 7 - 8pm