Extraordinary Town Council Meeting 3rd August 2022 – Key Messages

1.   Buckfastleigh Swimming Pool – Representatives of the Victoria Park charity provided an update at the July meeting regarding the situation with the increasing energy costs of running the swimming pool.  The trustees are consulting with the Town Council and the community to see if the difference can be met from an increase to the Council Tax. Members agreed that no decision could be made until we have received their grant application, due by the end of August, and that we should consult with the community on this issue.  This may be in the form of a Parish Poll.

2.   Gateway Town project – Further to a proposal by Dartmoor National Park to include Buckfastleigh in a Heritage Lottery Fund bid to pilot a Gateway Town project, a letter of support has been sent on behalf of the Town Council.  If successful, the funds will promote tourism and help improve the visitor journey by linking directly to the town’s heritage through better signage and access.