Holne Road Development – Town Council requests public meeting

The Town Council has now received a Development Brief for 30 properties on Holne Road and is requesting that the developers, Burrington Estates, come to a public meeting to discuss its plans, as well as offering the online consultation (more info on this here).  This email was sent on 5th March.  Hopefully a date for a public meeting will be available soon.

To:  Burrington Estates

Following your initial offer in your email dated 20 February 2018 to attend a Council meeting in March, we believe it would be beneficial to hold a proper and more detailed community consultation at this stage now that you have some plans which are more than the conceptual plans you presented at our August meeting.  I am sure you will appreciate the importance of consulting with the community effectively and that many residents do not have access to the internet to complete your survey. We know that there are plenty of questions that both the Town Council and residents would like answered and would be pleased to offer some dates when the Town Hall would be available to hire to facilitate this. 

We look forward to hearing from you.


Judith Hart
Town Clerk 
Buckfastleigh Town Council