Join the Twinning Visit to Normandy in August

Join us this August to experience true French hospitality.

The Scoriton & Buckfastleigh Twinning Association has some spare places on this year’s Twinning visit to Fontaine-Henry in Normandy. 

You’ll be hosted by French local families over the August Bank Holiday weekend (August 28th to September 1st). Your only expenses will be the coach to Portsmouth and your ferry crossing.

The French will lay on a full weekend’s programme, fun for grownups and youngsters alike. Some activities will be with the whole group, some with the host families.

It is a unique chance to experience French life “en famille”.  Language is no barrier!

In 2021 the French will visit us in Devon. Then it will be our turn to host the families we stayed with this year.

To find out more about the Twinning and what it can offer you, find us online at “Scoriton and Buckfastleigh Twinning Association” or email us at to book your place or ask us any questions.

          A visit to Falaise, the birthplace of William the Conqueror, in 2018