Key Messages from the Town Council Meeting held on 9.9.2015


1. The Town Council was please to award grants totalling £1,350 to six local groups. Many thanks to those groups for all they do in the community.

2. The Town Council has access to grant funding of £3,100 from the TDC Elector Fund. We will devise a process to help us identify community projects to put forward for this grant and let the community know in time for the February 2016 deadline.

3. The Scoriton and Buckfastleigh Twinning Association gave a presentation about their work. Anyone wanting to find out more can email

4. We agreed to sponsor a review of the services available to young people in Buckfastleigh with a view to identifying gaps and options for addressing them.

5. We agreed to take over responsibility of the town clock from the District Society. The clock will be repaired with funds held by the society before the transfer takes place.

6. We discussed the refugee crisis as an urgent item. We agreed to offer our support to the innocent victims of war and to invite and encourage local people to help. We are creating a register of local residents who could offer accommodation to refugees. We will pass the numbers of places we can offer as a community to local and central government bodies who are coordinating this activity. If you could accommodate refugees, please email detailing how many people you have room for and for how long.
Donations of goods and money are being coordinated locally and more information can be found on our web site.
You can read a statement detailing this decision here.