Neighbourhood Plan now ready…

The Buckfastleigh Neighbourhood Plan 2017-2027 – a development guide for the parish for the next 10 years –  is finally ready and available HERE. Please download and read it…

It is a fascinating read, reflecting the hard work put in by all involved, but if you don’t have time to read all 107 pages, the main proposals are from page 27 to 51.

Copies of the Plan can also be viewed at Buckfastleigh Library, Buckfastleigh Town Hall and at the Teignbridge District Council Offices at Forde House Newton Abbot. You can download a feedback form here, to fill-in on your computer or print-out. Please send your comments in by post or by hand to Buckfastleigh Town Hall, or email to by 5pm April 7th 2017.

A referendum will be held in the near future to ratify the Plan. Watch this space…

Additional Documents here:

Strategic Environmental Assessment: bknp-reg-14-environmental-report_v0-1_191116

Devonia Site Development Brief: 160429-buckfastleigh-dev-brief-low-res