Planning Application for land to the south of Strode Road

The Town Council has received for comment an outline application for six self build affordable dwellings, six starter homes and 16 open market self build custom build dwellings on land to the south of Strode Road (approval sought for access).  Online details are here

Below is the response the Council has sent to the Planning Department at Teignbridge District Council


Re: Land to the south of Strode Road, Buckfastleigh – outline application for 6 self-build affordable dwellings, 6 starter homes and 16 open market self-build custom build dwellings (approval sought for access)

The response from the Buckfastleigh Town Council Environment and Transport meeting held on 18th July 2018 is as follows:

  • Members found it difficult to make a reasonable assessment of this application due to the poor quality of the scanned documents available on the planning authority website.
  • The site lies outside the Teignbridge Local Plan and development may set a precedent.
  • There is no point of entry to the site which lies on a bend and approval from Highways has yet to be agreed.
  • The site would require substantial excavation due to the steep gradient of the hill and it is understood that a 84m visual splay would be required to comply with road safety and access requirements. This would significantly change the character of the site and the look of Strode Road.
  • There is concern regarding the impact of this proposed development on the adjacent conservation area and SSSIs.

Kind regards,

Judith Hart
Town Clerk 
Buckfastleigh Town Council
