Police Surgeries in Town Hall

Thanks to all those who came to the Town Hall on 6th January to share concerns with our local police Beat Manager, Andy Dudley.

During a chat with him he was able to confirm that Buckfastleigh is a very safe, low crime area and that this data is used to inform policing decisions in terms of numbers of Officers on the ground. This understandably gives little comfort to those immediately affected by crime and at present the majority concerns revolve around dangerous driving by those who may be unlicenced and uninsured, speeding on Strode Road and a spate of thefts.  

When crime and anti-social behaviour are rare, any incidents that occur tend to be more visible and concerning.

Andy will be asking Teignbridge Council for some updates and was grateful for some useful information to be able to respond to the concerns of residents. He asked that all are encouraged to report any incidents using 101 (via phone or online) for any non-emergency issues. The number of reports that are recorded will help to shape the police response and presence in our community for the future.

Andy has agreed to return for another surgery at the Town Hall on Wednesday 9th March from 10.30 to 11.30am so please come along for a chat with him or contact me – Sue Clarke – to share your concerns.