Public Notice

Dear Residents,

It has been brought to the attention of the Town Council by the Environment Agency that although some residents are only too keen to help in times of emergency, please do not put yourself at risk!

Attention should be drawn to the debris screen located at Hosking Court, Strode Road, Buckfastleigh. The public should not enter this dangerous area for any reason and only trained Environment Agency staff are permitted to clear debris from the screen which is checked weekly during the winter and fortnightly during the summer. A webcam is due to be installed in this area to monitor the situation and it should be noted that interference with or entry onto the screen is an offence under the ‘Land Drainage Byelaws 6 – interference with sluices, locks, weirs etc.’

Should you have any concerns about debris on the screen or wish to report any other matter regarding flood risk in Buckfastleigh, please call the Environment Incident Hotline on 0800 807060 and a local officer will investigate.

Copies of the Environment Agency ‘Living on the Edge’ booklet which gives a general understanding of riparian responsibilities is available from the Town Clerk’s Office.