Response to “Planning for the Future” consultation

The government has proposed a set of radical changes to the way planning legislation will work, including doubling house-building targets locally and removing the right to comment on planning applications.

The Town Council has written this as a response to the Government consultation on the proposals.

“We agree that there is an urgent need for planning reform both in order to effectively deliver more truly affordable homes to those who are in housing need and to meet (and if possible, exceed) targets to halt and reverse the climate and ecological crisis.

We feel however, that should these proposals be implemented, the main impact would be to make it easier for developers to build more houses. We argue that this will not address the need for truly affordable housing for local people and also that over-building will inevitably lead to a reduction in green space, so further degradation of our natural environment.”

Read the full text of our response to the “Planning For The Future”  consultation here (pdf)

Read the proposals here

The map below shows the change in housing requirements from current standard method to new standard method

Increase in targets: South Hams at 117% (414 homes per year), Teignbridge at 102% (774 homes per year)