SOUP Fundraising Event

So far, two SOUP fundraising events have taken place in Buckfastleigh in October 2018 and June 2019.  Both were very well attended and successful, enabling residents to hear about and vote on projects proposed by local organisations.  The successful groups received funds to make their projects happen.

On January 24th, a third SOUP will take place in the Town Hall.  The Town Council invited local groups or individuals to apply to pitch their idea on that evening.  Thanks to a local benefactor and the Mayor’s Fund, up to £1,000 is available to be divided between the successful pitchers.  

As well as hearing people’s pitches for the new funds, the groups who received money at the previous SOUP will report back on their progress.  And the evening will also include the presentation of the Heart of Buckfastleigh Awards to residents of the town who deserve special recognition for their contribution to the town.

You can book your free ticket for this event here.