The Bungalow launches a Youth Consultation

As we emerge from the most difficult time experienced across the world in recent history, the charity is seeking to find out how it can best support young people living in Buckfastleigh. Much concern has been held over the impact the pandemic has had on young people in particular during this time, and the organisation wishes to find out directly from local young people about the experiences they’ve had, their views on the world and where they live, their opportunities and how they would like to shape their local youth service.

“The Bungalow Youth Project is passionate about creating and providing a young people-centred provision where services are delivered ‘with, and not to’ young people. We believe good youth work encourages and facilitates young people to be designers and creators of provision, rather than simply consumers of services. We want our young people in Buckfastleigh and surrounding areas to flourish.” said Fanny Jackson, the charity’s Director.

Buckfastleigh Community Development Trust, which manages The Bungalow Youth Project based in Victoria Park, has launched the Buckfastleigh Youth Survey to hear the views of young people living in our town and help them to co-create new activities and opportunities for local young people.

“We want to find out about what life is like for young people living in Buckfastleigh… What do you like about our town? What would you change about it? What things would you find fun or interesting? What has this past year and half been like for you? And how can you be supported to be your happiest and healthiest self?” said Hannah Parry, the consultant (a youth and community worker) who is leading the consultation.

The survey can be completed online by following this link:

The Bungalow is also holding an Open Day on Saturday 11th September from 10am – 4pm. It’s an opportunity for young people to see the space, meet the youth workers and find out what The Bungalow can offer them. There’ll be lots of entertaining and creative free activities to enjoy, including a pool tournament, felting and tote bag-making, hair and nails and pizza! Young people can bring a parent, guardian, sibling or friend if you wish, or come along on their own – everyone will be made to feel welcome.

The charity currently holds funds to redesign the inside of The Bungalow and will be consulting with young people on the day, as well as its current users, to find out what they think about it and how they would like it to be. The Bungalow, which reaches its 20th Anniversary next year, has a rich history of engaging and supporting young people to lead the design of the space.

“There is so much to celebrate in our youth today and we should take every opportunity to do so. We take a long-term consistent approach, which is why we are actively engaging young people in the development of their space and youth provision. We want young people to be genuine authors of their own life story, and that means adults need to hand over some power. We’ve been listening to the voices of young people and they want a provision that fits with how their lives are now. This should be built on the strong foundations that are in place at The Bungalow. We have begun our youth organisational development consultation to increase accountability for youth provision in Buckfastleigh” said Fanny.

The survey will be open until Sunday 19th September, but the charity is hoping to receive most responses before Sunday 12th September. If any young person who wishes to complete the survey does not have online access, they can contact the charity on the details below and they will ensure a paper copy is delivered to and collected from them.

If you can’t make it to the Open Day, you can also find out about the activities The Bungalow offers through their new Facebook and Instagram pages – search for ‘The Bungalow Youth Project’ to find and follow them.

You can find The Bungalow Youth Project at Victoria Park, Plymouth Road, Buckfastleigh, TQ11 0DB, or online at