Town Council Grants Available Now

Did you know that the Town Council regularly awards grants to local community organisations that make a positive difference in the town?  Over the past year, small grants of up to £500 have been paid to organisations as diverse as sports clubs, the Valiant Soldier, South Devon Railway, Poppy Appeal, Dartmoor Skies, Friends of Buckfastleigh School, Participate Arts, the Buckfastleigh Wool Gathering and the Methodist Church.

The process for applying is very simple.  Read the guidance document on the Town Council website here and then download the 3-page application form from the Town Council website here.  The completed form along with your organisation’s last 3 bank statements then should be sent to the Town Clerk.

The next deadline for receiving applications for smaller grants is 31st August.  These will be considered at the September Buckfastleigh Matters meeting.  There is also a 31st October deadline for consideration in November.

It is also possible to apply for sums of over £500.  These have a different application form and require a little more documentation.  Applications for these larger grants are considered 9 times per year. 

For further information or to discuss a possible application, contact Judith, the Town Clerk on or phone 01364 642576