Key Messages from the Town Council Meeting held on 14th October 2015


  1. Rev Tom Benson told us about an increasing number of people reliant on the Food Bank. He believes that 10% of households have used it recently. We agreed to discuss further at the next meeting to see how the Town Council can help.
  2. We announced the resignation of Cllr Katie Coates and acknowledged her contribution to the Council over the last 4 years.
  3. PC Will Young gave us an over view of recorded crime for the previous quarter and it we discussed whether the loss of local youth services was leading to an increase in anti-social behaviour. We will write to the Chief Constable underlining the valuable contribution of local Police team.
  4. We have been awarded specialist technical help in developing our Neighbourhood Plan.
  5. We have started a project looking at improving and promoting cycling in our area. We are working with Sustrans, Dartmoor National Park and with groups in South Brent and Ashburton to improve the cycling network between the 3 towns.
  6. We approved the Terms of Reference for the Whitecleave Quarry Working Party (see here).
  7. We are starting a project to review the provision of services and activities for young people in our town. Devon Communities Together will help us with this process and there will be more information about this shortly.
  8. We agreed to employ a locum Town Clerk and temporary Admin Assistant to cover current staff absence. We also agreed to get specialist financial support to help us with the accounts and budgets for 2016/17.