Town Council Meeting 16th February 2022 – Key Messages

1.   Methodist Chapel  – The Methodist Chapel is for sale and some members of the public have expressed an interest in converting it into a Community Hub and will be consulting with people in the town in due course.

2.   Barn Park Planning Application  – Some Town Councillors will be meeting with senior representatives of Dartmoor National Park to discuss the process whereby this planning application was approved.  The Council will keep people updated about the outcome of this meeting.

3.   Vacancies on Town Council – We currently have 2 vacancies for Town Councillors.

4.   Youth Provision – We are pleased to support a new, joined up approach to funding youth provision in the town.

5.   Grants – Three smaller grants were awarded:

Friendship Group – £250 for outings

Cricket Club – £500 for maintenance of machinery

Participate Arts – £500 for Wellbeing Workshops


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.