Town Council Meeting 20th April 2022 – Key Messages

1.   Town Clock – Thanks to those who contributed towards the funding of the new Town Clock, which is now installed, and particularly to Cllr John Bailey who commissioned the clock and met the cost of the new bracket.

2.   Bungalow Youth Project  – We are pleased to support the Bungalow Youth Project with a grant of £3,000 which will help with their project to provide freshly cooked food to young people at all of their weekly sessions.

3.   Platinum Jubilee – A flyer listing all the events planned over the Platinum Jubilee weekend will be available in early May.

4.   Ukrainian Refugees – Those wanting to help Ukrainian refugees in the area are advised to join the Ashburton Ukrainian Refugee Support Group on Facebook to find out what is already happening and how they can get involved.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.