Town Council Meeting on 16 November 2022 – Key Messages

  1. New Flood Warning Service: The Environment Agency provided an update on the new Flood Warning Service for Buckfastleigh which will be live for residents to subscribe to from 7th December: either online at, email, or contact Floodline 0345 9881188 (24 hours)
  2. Parish Poll: 29 members of the public attended and there was a discussion on the results of the Parish Poll and how the Town Council will move forward in formulating a budget for 2023/24.
  3. Small Grant Allocation: The Town Council is pleased to award £500 to Moorland Community Care towards the very popular Soup and Pudding Club which runs twice a month and is available to anyone in the Buckfastleigh area aged 50 and over.
  4. Kathy Taylor: The Chair expressed her sorrow following the recent passing of Councillor Kathy Taylor whose kindness and generosity will be sorely missed.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.