Town Council Meeting on 18th January 2023 – Key Messages

  1. New Chair: We would like to convey our thanks to Councillor Sue Clarke who is sadly standing down as Chair and Town Mayor, a position she has held since October 2020.  She will continue as a Town Councillor.  Councillors are pleased to welcome Councillor Huw Cox as our new Chair and Town Mayor.
  2. Lottery Funding: We are delighted to report that the Buckfastleigh Community Development Trust has been awarded a lottery grant of £270,000 to support the development of its youth work at the Bungalow.
  3. Small Grant Allocation: The Town Council is pleased to award £500 to the Pokemon Club to continue to support this very popular club for young people and £500 to Woolly Nanas to help fund workshops in spinning and wool-related crafts.
  4. Buckfast Play Park: We are pleased to confirm that Teignbridge District Council will be refurbishing the Buckfast Play Park in 2023.
  5. Environment Agency Flood Warning: The Town Council is currently working with the Environment Agency to update our Emergency Plan to reflect the new Flood Warning service, which you can sign up to at