Town Council Meeting on 19 July 2023 – Key Messages


  1. Land at Timbers Road: There was a presentation by Dave Seaton of PCL Planning Ltd, Exeter regarding the proposal to build 75 dwellings to include 34 affordable homes on land adjacent to Timbers Road, Buckfastleigh. Together with a leaflet drop and publicity, the Town Council, in response to questions and concerns from the community, have requested that PCL Planning arrange a public meeting.
  2. Ashburton and South Dartmoor Business Network:  Nigel Ward, Chair of Ashburton and South Dartmoor Business Network, formerly Ashburton Chamber of Trade, would like to extend an invitation to businesses in Buckfastleigh and the surrounding area to join their organisation to promote trade and commerce within the community. For further information please visit:
  3. Grant Award: The Town Council is pleased to award a £2,891.99 grant to the Friends of Buckfastleigh Library to support their new Kidspace Buckfastleigh project which provides a safe space for children to read with a dedicated storyteller and participate in a programme of activities.
  4. Whitecleave Quarry: New planning application 22/01697/FUL – Whitecleave Quarry, Plymouth Road – proposal for change of use of site to a non-residential training centre for seafarers and associated works for a period of 6 years. Following a presentation by the applicant, Members agreed to support in principle subject to examination of the application received earlier in the week.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.