Town Council Meeting on 19th June 2024 – Key Messages

Smaller Grants

Town Councillors were pleased to award grant funding to the following organisations:

  • History Society Buckfastleigh – £250.00 to fund speakers, room hire and developing an archive
  • Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group – £500.00 for ongoing running costs of enhancing habitats and biodiversity in the town
  • The Friendship Group – £500.00 to assist in the funding of day trips and meals to support the wellbeing of the group.

Buckfastleigh Housing Needs Survey

A much needed HNS organised by Devon Communities Together on behalf of Teignbridge District Council will be sent to all households within the parish in the early autumn. It is important that residents complete and return this questionnaire even if they have no need or if need only applies to one member of their household who is seeking accommodation such as an adult living with parents. The results will contribute to defining the level of housing need in Buckfastleigh and how this could effect the tenure and size of future housing developments. Members discussed how they could help with publicity and encourage individuals to complete the survey.

Communication with Teignbridge District Council

The Chair stressed again the need for improved communication and consultation by Teignbridge District Council to both the Town Council and the community.

End of Year Internal Audit

Judith Hart, our Town Clerk was thanked for her continued due diligence and work in completing another successful audit of Town Council finances and supporting documents.