Town Council Meeting on 20th September 2023 – Key Messages

1. Smaller Grants Awarded:

Woolly Nanas – £500 to support their free drop-in sessions at the Wool Hub
Moorland Community Caring – £500 to support their bimonthly sessions at St. Luke’s to provide a safe space for older members of our community to socialise, seek advice and enjoy some homemade food
Moor Imagination Collective – £500 to help fund their Moor Movement sessions at Buckfastleigh Youth Club.

2. Councillors’ Surgery: Councillors Sue Clarke and Sylvee Phillips reported on their recent outdoor surgery with members of the public. The lack of rural transport provision, the state of the town and dog mess were the main topics raised.

3. Youth Strategy Consultation: Cllr Clarke will be working with organisations around the town to consult on the town’s Youth Strategy.

4. Furlong Close Play Park: The Town Council is pleased to report that the longawaited refurbishment of the play park at Furlong Close in Buckfast has commenced.

Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting