Town Council Meeting on 22nd November 2023 – Key Messages


22nd November 2023 – KEY MESSAGES

  1. Council Grants – The Town Council is pleased to award £500 to the Friendship Group to help broaden their range of trips and activities. £2,500 was awarded to the Valiant Soldier Museum and Heritage Centre for refurbishment of two ground floor rooms, and there was support in principle for a further £2,500 at a later stage for the same project.
  2. Land at Timbers Road: It was agreed to send Town Councillor representation to the DNPA Development Management Committee meeting on 5th January 2024 which will discuss the planning application for land at Timbers Road.  This will be discussed further at the Town Council meeting on 20th
  3. Next Year’s Budget: The Council approved the precept and budget for 2024/25.  A statement will be released shortly.  We will continue to support key services in the town such as Victoria Park and Pool, the Town Hall, youth organisations and Hello Summer.


Full minutes will be available on the website after the next Town Council Meeting.