Town Ranger’s Report – October to December 2017

Street Maintenance

  • Cleared steps to Holy Trinity church, path by allotments at back of Fore St, and bridge on Strode Rd. The DNP ranger and a team of volunteers assisted with some of these activities
  • Two new street signs have been requested from Teignbridge District Council
  • A dangerous tree at the back of Hamlyn Way was reported and Westcon have removed it
  • Elliot Plain has been partially planted with crocuses left over from the Purple for Polio Campaign
  • At the Christmas Fair, members of the public reported issues with signage, overgrown vegetation and drainage, which will be followed up in the coming months

Dog Fouling Campaign

  • Compiling list of volunteers to provide with spray cans to highlight dog mess
  • Working with Councillor Stokes on production of posters to encourage people to pick up dog mess
  • A short film is being produced for cinema club to highlight the issue of dog fouling

Snow Warden Scheme

  • Conducted a survey of equipment and stocks of grit/salt and requested refills where necessary
  • Working on a plan for a specific route to be salted by the town itself, to cover roads not salted/gritted by Highways Agency
  • Updating volunteer snow warden register


  • Writing regular columns for Around Buckfastleigh & South Brent and the town news sheet.

If you want the Town Ranger to know about a problem in your area, email him at