Victoria Park Redesign Public Consultation

OPEN CONSULTATION ON PARK REDESIGN – come and have your say.

We are very pleased to tell you that we have now received designs and plans for the redesign of the park, and very nice they are too!

The Trustees are committed to ensuring that everyone in the town has the opportunity to contribute their views so that, if we are fortunate enough to get funding, the park reflects the views of the whole community.

We plan to hold public consultations on the designs on Sunday 23 August from 11 – 1 and Friday 28 August from 5 – 7, both at the Town Hall.

We are also willing to bring the designs to interested groups for discussion between now and 4 September subject to other commitments.

Please take the opportunity to come along, see what might be possible and tell us what you think. Please tell others too.

This is YOUR park – we want your input and we need your support.

Thank you

Pam Barrett on behalf of the Trustees.