Wildspace Garden

The transformation in the garden behind the Town Hall is a delight to see.  Last October, the Town Council engaged Charlie Narewski Scullion to create a beautiful and wildlife friendly area that could be enjoyed by members of the public and provide habitat for insects, birds, amphibians and reptiles.  Since then he has been working hard, first alone and now with people from the Veterans Farm-Able Foundation, clearing rubbish, creating ponds, building insect shelters and planting wildflowers.

The Wildspace Garden will be open to the public from Monday 14th June onwards.  Opening hours will be:

Monday 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

Tuesday & Wednesday 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

Thursday & Friday 9.00 am to 9.00 pm

PLEASE NOTE:  The garden is a wildlife habitat for quiet enjoyment, so no dogs, smoking, alcohol, or social gatherings are permitted

Above left, Charlie Narewski Scullion and volunteer planting around the ponds.  Above, the wildlife ponds with bird bath and willow shelter behind.  Below, insect hotels.