Monthly Archives: March 2021

Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 17th March 2021 – Key Messages

1.   Verge Management – We are pleased to support the verge management initiative where we will be working with the new ‘Buckfastleigh Action for Nature Group’ and the Road Warden to manage some of our verges around the parish. This project will protect and enhance the wide variety of wildlife and wildflowers. 2.   New Tree […]

Amendment to Care Workers permit scheme

Devon County Council (Traffic Regulation & On-Street Parking Places) Amendment Order   Devon County Council propose to make this under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to make an amendment to the Care Workers permit scheme to allow a maximum of 3 hours parking on No Waiting and in Limited Waiting, Pay & Display and […]

Town Council Precept 2021-22

During these difficult and challenging times Buckfastleigh Town Council agreed that it is essential to retain the services we provide and support within our community. Council Tax revenues in Teignbridge have fallen due to the effects of Covid-19 which would have led to a significant shortfall in the Town Council’s budget for the new financial […]

Buckfastleigh Town Council Meeting 3rd March 2021 – Key Messages

This week, we were joined in our meeting by some councillors from Okehampton  who wanted to observe our Town Council in action, having heard positive things about our innovative approach to meetings and our ability to get things done for our constituents. 1.   Town Clock – It has been established that the Town Clock has […]